Saturday, May 19, 2007

Our New House

For those of you who live far away and haven't had the chance to visit and won't have the chance for a while, here are some pictures of our new house. It is a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom rambler north of Lake Whatcom in Bellingham. We look forward to having you in our home, but until then these pictures will have to suffice.

To the left is a picture of our dining room and kitchen. One thing that we really like about this house is the open living area. The picture is being taken from the entry way/living room. We hope to enjoy warm meals, grueling games of Settlers, and much laughter in this space.

To the right, you can see the jungle that is our back yard. The house was built in 1985, but no ever bothered to put in any landscaping. So as you can imagine, blackberries (see the picture below as well) have claimed the territory. We WILL subdue them, however. The deck that the picture is taken from doesn't even have steps that lead down to the "yard." We hope to replace the deck after we cut down some trees and tame the land a bit. You can look forward to some before and after photos in the future

These pictures were all taken at the beginning of April before we had bought the house. We made an offer shortly after, it was accepted, and we moved in 3 weeks later (yes, it was quick).

We hope that you have enjoyed your first visit to our new home.


cklassen said...

Nice house. I'd say let the blackberry bushes grow, minimize the outside work, limit the work to keeping the trees from falling on the house. Then, you can entertain us all with blackberry pie, muffins, scones, and jam/jelly, even blackberry wine, maybe.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing it soon.

LKlassen said...

I love all the outdoor space! Can't wait to see the inside - it looks great. I disagree with my dear husband about letting all the blackberry bushes grow wild...well, maybe just for wine... but just imagine all the time you'll be spending over the next few years musing over and imagining what you might do with it all - thats the fun part. Congratulations!